Wednesday 30 March 2011

30th March - Sound

Today we added sound to our footage.
First we deleted all of the vocals that we already had in our footage and chose a sound clip that we thought went well with the footage we had.
Then we got a sound recording of a girl laughing, and edited it in GarageBand to make it sound eerie.
For the opening titles, we added in a voice recording of 'ring a ring of roses' and edited in the same way as the girl's giggling.
We then added in a mobile phone ring tone for when the girl received a message.

We are now going to go out to film the last shot of the TV, to put our footage of the girl onto the screen, and we will film the ghostly girl tomorrow.
We are still thinking of an alternative name for our horror opening that we can add onto our filming at the end. We have a few ideas but have not came to a conclusion yet.

29th March - Creating Titles

Today we carried on adding titles into our opening, putting them over different frames with names such as actors names, director and producer.
We spaced them out over different frames and by using two different colours (black & white) to create more of a sense of threat.

28th March - Creating Titles

Today as we was happy with the footage we had edited together already we decided to start creating our titles to go in our opening.
We decided on a production company name and made a title for it using the program LiveType, we experimented with different effects that made it look like a horror film title.
We then started to add actors names over the frames of our opening.

21st March - Editing

Today our group carried on putting a range of shots together in our opening, using a range of extreme close ups and long shots. These shots all go together in a way of showing our character getting ready to go meet her boyfriend, using close up shots showing her putting on make-up and long shots of her getting her jacket on.
We also used shots like low angled shots and high angled shots to show a sense of threat and that someone is watching her.

14th March - Editing

Today our group carried on with editing some of our footage together.
We used a range of shots and used some transitions to make the beginning of our opening flow better.
We also looked at a sound site to see what different types of sound would go with our opening, the site we looked at was FreeSound.
We looked at different sounds such as ghostly sounds and sounds that build up tension.

Wednesday 16 March 2011


We uploaded our footage onto our Mac and decided to start to edit little bits to see if it flowed together right. We were happy with our footage and decided to add an establishing shot of the house to create a sense of location. We are also going to film some shots of a little girl to create a sense of danger.

9th March 2011- Filming

Today we went to film our opening again. The location we used was the inside of someone's house, in a bedroom. We used mise-en-scene to ensure that we created the image of a teenage girl's bedroom.

The character in our opening is getting ready to go out and meet her boyfriend. We ensured that we got a range of different angles and camera shots so we can experiment with them when editing our footage together. To get a sense of threat, we made sure that we got different angles of our character jumping when unexplainable noises are heard.

7th March 2011

Today we began to edit some of our footage together to see how it looked. We noticed that some of the shots didn't flow together very well, and that there was too much background noise from cars. So from looking at this we decided to change it to an inside location.

We also realised that there was no sense of where we were going and no sense of threat, that we were hoping to achieve. We bullet pointed some ideas for our opening. Then we came to the conclusion that we will need to completely re-film our opening.

Thursday 3 March 2011

Filming - 25th February

Today we had dry weather so we decided we would go out to film for our opening. Due to one of our members not being able to film for us we all took turns in filming different shots to use for our film. We used our props that we bought as they were needed in the main scences of our opening. Our shots were mainly close ups to show how well we used our props. We are now ready to upload our filming to the Macs ready for editing.

Filming - 16th February

Due to rainy weather recently we havent been able to film our final scenes, as soon as we have adry day we will film our last shots for our opening.


For our teen horror opening we needed to get two props to carry out our opening. The props we used were a fake knife and fake blood. We got these from our local fancy dress shop and were only cheap as we didnt need to use them for long.